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Title: Approximate series solution of multi-dimensional, time fractional-order (heat-like) diffusion equations using FRDTM
Authors: Singh, Brajesh K.
Srivastava, Vineet K.
Keywords: Mathematics
Computational mathematics
Differential equations
Mathematical modelling
Exact solution
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The main goal of this paper is to present a new approximate series solution of the multi-dimensional (heat-like) diffusion equation with time-fractional derivative in Caputo form using a semi-analytical approach: fractional-order reduced differential transform method (FRDTM). The efficiency of FRDTM is confirmed by considering four test problems of the multi-dimensional time fractional-order diffusion equation. FRDTM is a very efficient, effective and powerful mathematical tool which provides exact or very close approximate solutions for a wide range of real-world problems arising in engineering and natural sciences, modelled in terms of differential equations
Appears in Collections:Education

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