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Title: Implementing and testing Bayesian and maximum-likelihood supertree methods in phylogenetics
Authors: Akanni, Wasiu A.
Wilkinson, Mark
Creevey, Christopher J
Keywords: Biology
Computational biology
Molecular biology
Maximum likelihood
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Since their advent, supertrees have been increasingly used in large-scale evolutionary studies requiring a phylogenetic framework and substantial efforts have been devoted to developing a wide variety of supertree methods (SMs). Recent advances in supertree theory have allowed the implementation of maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian SMs, based on using an exponential distribution to model incongruence between input trees and the supertree. Such approaches are expected to have advantages over commonly used non-parametric SMs, e.g. matrix representation with parsimony (MRP).
Appears in Collections:Education

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