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Title: Analytical model of reactive transport processes with spatially variable coefficients
Authors: Simpson, Matthew J.
Morrow, Liam C.
Keywords: Engineering
Environmental engineering
Contaminant transport
Saturated porous media
Analytical model
Partial differential equation
Symbolic computation
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Analytical solutions of partial differential equation (PDE) models describing reactive transport phenomena in saturated porous media are often used as screening tools to provide insight into contaminant fate and transport processes. While many practical modelling scenarios involve spatially variable coefficients, such as spatially variable flow velocity, v(x), or spatially variable decay rate, k(x), most analytical models deal with constant coefficients. Here we present a framework for constructing exact solutions of PDE models of reactive transport. Our approach is relevant for advection-dominant problems, and is based on a regular perturbation technique.
Appears in Collections:Education

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