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dc.contributor.authorSchenck, Barbara Findlayen_US
dc.description.abstractHarness the power of marketing and watch your business grow Having your own business isn't the same as having customers, and one is useless without the other. Whether your business is a resale store or a high-tech consulting firm, a law office or a home cleaning service, in today's competitive environment, strategic marketing is essential. If you want your small business to grow, you need a marketing strategy that works. But how do you get people to notice your business without spending a fortune? Packed with savvy tips for low-cost, high-impact campaigns, this friendly guide is your road map to launching a great marketing campaign and taking advantage of the newest technologies and avenues for outreach. Using social media as a marketing tool Communicating with customers Financing a marketing campaign The companion CD includes tools and templates to give you a jump-start on putting your new skills to work If you're looking to give your small business' marketing plan an edge over the competition, Small Business Marketing Kit For Dummies has you covered. CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.en_US
dc.format.extent384 p.en_US
dc.publisherFor Dummiesen_US
dc.subjectSmall businessen_US
dc.titleSmall Business Marketing Kit For Dummiesen_US
dc.size2.69 MBen_US
dc.departmentEnglish resourcesen_US
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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