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Title: Project Governance: Getting Investments Right
Authors: Williams, Terry M.
Samset, Knut
Keywords: Managing projects
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan UK
Abstract: The Norwegian Concept Research Programme has taken this step to sponsor a book that would provide a resumé of the state of the art in this domain. Leading experts in the field, currently based in the US, UK and Norway although originating from half a dozen or more coun-tries, have all contributed. All are well-respected in the academic environ-ment but their knowledge and experience are grounded in the experience and study of actual projects - and indeed, there are many case-studies used as the bases of the arguments in the book. This is a guide for practitioners, and also for decision-makers and their advisors, and also for postgraduate (at least) students studying how complex projects actually work.
ISBN: 978-1-349-34897-8
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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