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Title: Intermediate Algebra WorKBook
Authors: Gaudet, Donna
Meacham, William
Bohart, Jenifer
Keywords: Mathematics
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Opentextbookstore
Abstract: This worKBook was created through the efforts of instructors at Scottsdale Community College in Scottsdale, Arizona, has been used by thousands of students, and is continually improved. This worKBook contains have lessons that were carefully and thoughtfully crafted to lead students on a path to understanding numbers and arithmetic. Each lesson is broken into four parts, which an instructor can use some or all of: A Minilesson, in a worKBook format, which can either be worked through in-class via lecture or groupwork, or through video lessons available on the Scottsdale Math blog or inside MyOpenMath. Practice problems. A short assessment. Online homework in MyOpenMath.
Appears in Collections:Education

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