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Title: Enabling quaternion derivatives
Authors: Xu, Dongpo
Jahanchahi, Cyrus
Took, Clive C.
Keywords: Electrical engineering
Mathematical modelling
Generalized HR calculus
Nonlinear quaternion
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: The Royal Society
Abstract: Quaternion derivatives exist only for a very restricted class of analytic (regular) functions however, in many applications, functions of interest are real-valued and hence not analytic, a typical case being the standard real mean square error objective function. The recent HR calculus is a step forward and provides a way to calculate derivatives and gradients of both analytic and non-analytic functions of quaternion variables however, the HR calculus can become cumbersome in complex optimization problems due to the lack of rigorous product and chain rules, a consequence of the non-commutativity of quaternion algebra.
Appears in Collections:Education

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