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Title: Nursing Care at the End of Life: What Every Clinician Should Know
Authors: Lowey, Susan
Keywords: Natural Sciences
Physical Sciences
Nursing Care
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Open SUNY Textbooks
Abstract: Part I. Anticipation. 1. A Historical Overview of End-of-Life Care. 2. Types and Variability within Illness Trajectories. 3. Conceptual Frameworks Guiding Death & Dying. 4. Models of Organized End-of-Life Care: Palliative Care vs. Hospice. 5. Initiating Conversations about Goals of Care. Part II. In the Moment: 6. Management of Pain and Physical Symptoms. 7. Management of Emotional and Spiritual Distress. 8. Ethical Concerns in End-of-Life Care. 9. Care at the Time of Death. 10. Nurse–Patient–Family Communication Part III. Afterwards: 11. Diversity in Dying: Death across Cultures. 12. Grief and Bereavement. Afterword Evaluation of Self: Lessons Learned. Online End-of-Life Care Resources.
ISBN: 978-1-9423411-9-2
Appears in Collections:Education

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