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Title: Getting Started with Ubuntu 13.10
Authors: The Ubuntu Manual Team
The Ubuntu Manual Team
Keywords: Ubuntu 13.10
Getting Started with Ubuntu 13.10
Ubuntu instruction
Open Source Software
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Getting Started with Ubuntu 13.10 is not intended to be a comprehensive Ubuntu instruction manual. It is a quick-start guide that will get you do-ing the things you need to do with your computer easily, without gettingbogged down with technical details. Ubuntu 13.10 incorporates many new and improved features, including new icons (some dynamic), more appear-ance options, locally integrated menus, and smart scopes, to name just a few. With the help of this guide, it should not take long before new users get used to the Unity desktop environment. Unity includes the Starter, the Dash, the HUD, indicators, and an on-screen display notification system (OSD). All these features will be explained in this guide.
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