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Title: B Sides
Authors: Thompson, Kelly J
Thompson, Kelly J
Keywords: B Sides
Open Source Software
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Over the past decade there has been an increasing interest in Free and/or Open Source Software (FOSS) in libraries— especially in FOSS Integrated Library Systems (ILS). Libraries across the globe are implementing programs such as Koha and Evergreen 1. Like any topic in the Library and Information Science (LIS) field today, there are several voices weighing in on FOSS ILS, coming from differing epistemologies based in theory and philosophy, and practice. In an ideal world, these voices would inform each other in a circular pattern, perpetuating a fruitful development of practice based in theory and theory based in practice. In real life, there are always tensions. This paper will explore FOSS ILS using the philosophical as well as practical perspectives present in the larger discussion.
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