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dc.contributor.authorShertukde, Hemchandra M.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis book can be used as a text for two semester courses on digital controls at the senior undergraduate level or introductory level at the graduate level and the second one for an advanced level in digital controls with appropriate prerequisites at each level. Chapters 1 through 5 can be used for the first introductory course and Chapters 5 through 9 for the advanced course in digital controls. Chapter 1 explains the process of digital control, followed by a review of Z-transforms, feedback control concepts, and s to z plane conversions, mappings, signal sampling, and data reconstruction. This is followed by mathematical representations of discrete systems affected by use of advances in computing methodologies and the advent of computers. Chapter 4 illustrates state-space representations and construction of transfer functions and their corresponding discrete equivalents. Chapter 5 then deals with the design approach and related design processes, followed by performance criteria evaluations through simulations and review of classical designs for comparison in Chapter 6. Advances in the design of compensators using its discrete equivalent are studied in Chapter 7 and stability tests using transformations are illustrated in Chapter 8. Further, Chapter 9 deals with the computational aspects handled by the present PCs. With the advent of modern computers, hardware and software packages such as FEEDBACK and MATLAB, both of which have been extensively used, make the understanding of the theory and its application more hands-on than the days when we toyed with dated equipment.en_US
dc.format.extent378 p.en_US
dc.publisherCRC Pressen_US
dc.subjectDigital controlen_US
dc.titleDigital Control Applications Illustrated with MATLABen_US
dc.size6.50 MBen_US
dc.departmentEnglish resourcesen_US
Appears in Collections:Technology

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