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dc.contributor.authorHajiyev, Asafen_US
dc.contributor.authorAhmadzada, Farahen_US
dc.contributor.authorIbadova, Iradaen_US
dc.contributor.editorXu, Jiupingen_US
dc.description.abstractThis book presents the proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM2013) held from November 7 to 9, 2013 at Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA and organized by the International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management, Sichuan University (Chengdu, China) and Drexel University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA). The goals of the Conference are to foster international research collaborations in Management Science and Engineering Management as well as to provide a forum to present current research findings. The selected papers cover various areas in management science and engineering management, such as Decision Support Systems, Multi-Objective Decisions, Uncertain Decisions, Computational Mathematics, Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Relationship Management, Scheduling and Control, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Electronic Commerce, Neural Networks, Stochastic Models and Simulation, Fuzzy Programming, Heuristics Algorithms, Risk Control, Organizational Behavior, Green Supply Chains, and Carbon Credits. The proceedings introduce readers to novel ideas on and different problem-solving methods in Management Science and Engineering Management. We selected excellent papers from all over the world, integrating their expertise and ideas in order to improve research on Management Science and Engineering Management.en_US
dc.format.extent762 p.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelbergen_US
dc.subjectManagement scienceen_US
dc.subjectEngineering managementen_US
dc.subjectInformation technologyen_US
dc.subjectInternational conferenceen_US
dc.titleProceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management: Focused on Electrical and Information Technology Volume IIen_US
dc.size6.63 MBen_US
dc.departmentEnglish resourcesen_US
Appears in Collections:Technology

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