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Title: Linked data management
Authors: Harth, Andreas
Hose, Katja
Schenkel, Ralf
Keywords: Database management system
Linked data
Database technology
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC
Series/Report no.: Emerging Directions in Database Systems and Applications
Abstract: Linked Data Management presents techniques for querying and managing Linked Data that is available on today’s Web. The book shows how the abundance of Linked Data can serve as fertile ground for research and commercial applications. The text focuses on aspects of managing large-scale collections of Linked Data. It offers a detailed introduction to Linked Data and related standards, including the main principles distinguishing Linked Data from standard database technology. Chapters also describe how to generate links between datasets and explain the overall architecture of data integration systems based on Linked Data.
ISBN: 978-1-4665-8241-5
Appears in Collections:Technology

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