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Title: Remote powering and Data Communication for implanted biomedical systems
Authors: Kilinc, Enver Gurhan
Dehollain, Catherine
Maloberti, Franco
Keywords: Data Communication
Signal processing
Analog circuits
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Abstract: This book describes new circuits and systems for implantable biomedical applications and explains the design of a batteryless, remotely-powered implantable micro-system, designed for long-term patient monitoring. Following new trends in implantable biomedical applications, the authors demonstrate a system which is capable of efficient, remote powering and reliable data communication. Novel architecture and design methodologies are used to transfer power with a low-power, optimized inductive link and data is transmitted by a reliable communication link. Additionally, an electro-mechanical solution is presented for tracking and monitoring the implantable system, while the patient is mobile.
ISBN: 978-3-319-21178-7
Appears in Collections:Technology

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