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Title: Recent developments in intelligent information and database systems
Authors: Król, Dariusz
Madeyski, Lech
Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh
Keywords: Database systems
Intelligent information
Data mining
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Series/Report no.: Studies in Computational Intelligence 642
Abstract: The volume is divided into six parts: (a) Computational Intelligence in Data Mining and Machine Learning, (b) Ontologies, Social Networks and Recommendation Systems, (c) Web Services, Cloud Computing, Security and Intelligent Internet Systems, (d) Knowledge Management and Language Processing, (e) Image, Video, Motion Analysis and Recognition, and (f) Advanced Computing Applications and Technologies. The book is an excellent resource for researchers, those working in artificial intelligence, multimedia, networks and big data technologies, as well as for students interested in computer science and other related fields.
ISBN: 978-3-319-31276-7
Appears in Collections:Technology

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