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Title: Protecting privacy in data release
Authors: Livraga, Giovanni
Keywords: Protecting privacy
Data release
Communications security
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Series/Report no.: Advances in Information Security 57
Abstract: This book presents a comprehensive approach to protecting sensitive information when large data collections are released by their owners. It addresses three key requirements of data privacy: the protection of data explicitly released, the protection of information not explicitly released but potentially vulnerable due to a release of other data, and the enforcement of owner-defined access restrictions to the released data. It is also the first book with a complete examination of how to enforce dynamic read and write access authorizations on released data, applicable to the emerging data outsourcing and cloud computing situations. Private companies, public organizations and final users are releasing, sharing, and disseminating their data to take reciprocal advantage of the great benefits of making their data available to others.
ISBN: 978-3-319-16108-2
Appears in Collections:Technology

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