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Title: Libre Office 4.0 The document foundation Base handbook managing your data
Authors: Schiffers, Jochen
Großkopf, Robert
Lange, Jost
Schiffers, Jochen
Großkopf, Robert
Lange, Jost
Keywords: Libre Office
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Anyone who wants to get up to speed quickly with LibreOffice Base will find this book valuable. You may wish to first read Chapter 8, Getting Started with Base, in the Getting Started guide. This book introduces Base, the database component of LibreOffice. Base uses the HSQLDB database engine to create database documents. It can access databases created by many database programs, including Microsoft Access, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. Base includes additional functionality that allows you to create full data-driven applications. This book introduces the features and functions of Base, using two example databases. Creating a database. Accessing external databases. Creating and using tables in relational databases. Creating and using forms for data entry. Using queries to bring together data from different tables, calculate results where, necessary, and quickly filter a specific record from a mass of data. Creating reports using the Report Builder. Linking databases to other documents and external forms, including use in mail merge. Filtering and searching data. Using macros to prevent input errors, simplify tasks, and improve usability of forms. Maintaining databases.
Appears in Collections:ICT

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