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Showing results 1 to 20 of 32  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014American apocalypse: a history of modern evangelicalismSutton, Matthew Avery
2017American law: an introductionFriedman, Lawrence Meir; Hayden, Grant M.
2017American opinion on trade : preferences without politicsGuisinger, Alexandra
2013A Constitution for All TimesKarlan, Pamela S.
2017Constitutional ethos: liberal equality for the common goodTsesis, Alexander
2017Debating religious liberty and discriminationAnderson, Ryan T.; Corvino, John; Girgis, Sherif
2015The ecology of modernism : American environments and avant-garde poeticsSchuster, Joshua
2017Family engagement with schools : strategies for school social workers and educatorsChavkin, Nancy Feyl
2014For the sake of argument : essays and minority reportsHitchens, Christopher
2017Founder of Modern Economics: Paul A. Samuelson: Volume 1: Becoming Samuelson, 1915-1948Backhouse, Roger
2017The future of consumer society : prospects for sustainability in the new economyCohen, Maurie J.
2014HIST 211 - U.S. History to 1865 (1st Edition)Klees, June
2014HIST 212 - U.S. History 1865 to Present (2nd Edition)Klees, June
2015It's not like I'm poor: how working families make ends meet in a post-welfare worldHalpern-Meekin, Sarah
2017My Lai : Vietnam, 1968, and the descent into darknessCalley, William Laws; Jones, Howard
2015Orderly anarchy: sociopolitical evolution in aboriginal CaliforniaBettinger, Robert L.
2017Outside In : the transnational circuitry of US historyPreston, Andrew; Rossinow, Douglas Charles
2014Perspectives on Dodd-Frank and financeSchultz, Paul H.
2017The politics of energy crisesCarlisle, Juliet E.
2017Privacy : what everyone needs to knowFrancis, Leslie P.; Francis, John G.