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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Advanced Mechanics: From Euler's Determinism to Arnold's ChaosRajeev, S.G.
2017Algebra and Trigonometry (6 ed.)Blitzer, Robert
2009A Beginner’s Guide to RZuur, Alain F.; Leno, Elena N.; Meesters, Erik H. W. G.
2017A Brief History of Mathematical ThoughtHeaton, Luke
2017Business Statistics, Global EditionFry, Phillip C.; Groebner, David F.; Shannon, Patrick W.
2016Calculus AB 2017 Cross-Platform Prep CourseMa, William
2017Calculus with applicationsGreenwell, Raymond N.; Lial, Margaret L.; Ritchey, Nathan P.
2016College algebra and trigonometry, global editionLial, Margaret L.
2018College Algebra with Modeling and VisualizationRockswold, Gary K.; Krieger, Terry A.; Rockswold, Jessica C.
2010College Algebra with Trigonometry, (9th Edition)Barnett, Raymond A.
2011The ConnectivesHumberstone, Lloyd
2014Data Analysis: Statistical and Computational Methods for Scientists and Engineers (4ed.)Brandt, Siegmund
2014Economic Dynamics in Discrete TimeMiao, Jianjun
2010Elementary Number TheoryBurton, David M.
2018Fundamentals of Probability, with Stochastic ProcessesGhahramani, Saeed
2011Markov Random Fields for Vision and Image ProcessingBlake, Andrew; Kohli, Pushmeet; Rother, Carsten
2015Methods of Mathematical Modelling: Continuous Systems and Differential EquationsWitelski, Thomas; Bowen, Mark
2011Optimal Control Theory with Applications in EconomicsWeber, Thomas A.
2015The Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical PsychologyBusemeyer, Jerome R.
2011The Oxford Handbook of Credit DerivativesLipton, Alexander; Rennie, Andrew