Browsing by Subject Math

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Chemistry: Structure and Properties, Mastering ChemistryTro, Nivaldo J.
2014The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative StrategiesRagin, Charles C.
2017From Classical to Quantum FieldsBaulieu, Laurent; Iliopoulos, John; Sénéor, Roland
2017Fundamentals of General, Organic and Biological Chemistry in SI UnitsMcMurry, John E.
2013Getting Started with Apache OpenOffice Version 3.4 Chapter 7 Getting Started with Base Databases in Apache OpenOfficeLewis, Dan; Weber, Jean Hollis; McKenna, Keith N.; Lewis, Dan; Weber, Jean Hollis; McKenna, Keith N.
2013Getting Started with Apache OpenOffice Version 3.4 Chapter 8 Getting Started with Math Apache OpenOffice’s Equation EditorWeber, Jean Hollis; McKenna, Keith N.; Weber, Jean Hollis; McKenna, Keith N.
2013Libre Office 4.0 The document foundation Math guide using the Equation EditorWeber, Jean Hollis; Russman, Hazel; Balland-Poirier, Laurent; Weber, Jean Hollis; Russman, Hazel; Balland-Poirier, Laurent
2015Libre Office 4.4 The document foundation Math guide using the Formula EditorSchofield, Peter; Russman, Hazel; Balland-Poirier, Laurent; Schofield, Peter; Russman, Hazel; Balland-Poirier, Laurent
2016Quantum Ontology: A Guide to the Metaphysics of Quantum MechanicsLewis, Peter J.
2016Quantum Ontology: A Guide to the Metaphysics of Quantum MechanicsLewis, Peter J.
2016System: The Shaping of Modern KnowledgeSiskin, Clifford
2017The Turing GuideCopeland, Jack