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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Abstraction and InfinityMancosu, Paolo
2017Commands : a cross-linguistic typologyAikhenvald, Alexandra Y.; Dixon, R. M. W.
2012A Concise Introduction to Logic, Eleventh EditionHurley, Patrick J.
2011Creative Sequencing Techniques for Music Production, Second Edition: A Practical Guide to Pro Tools, Logic, Digital Performer, and CubasePejrolo, Andrea
2017Fuzzy Logic and Mathematics: A Historical PerspectiveBělohlávek, Radim; Dauben, Joseph W.; Klir, George J.
2018Grammar, Philosophy, and LogicSilver, Bruce
2008Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming. Volume 5: Logic ProgrammingGabbay, D.M.; Hogger, C.J.; Robinson, J.A.
2013Introduction to LogicCopi, Irving M.; Cohen, Carl; McMahon, Kenneth
2013Kurt Godel: Collected Works: Volume IVGodel, Kurt
2013Kurt Godel: Collected Works: Volume VGodel, Kurt
2011Lập trình điều khiển logic cho bồn trộn PolimeĐoàn, Vũ Dũng
2017Lectures on Inductive LogicWilliamson, Jon
2011Logic demystifiedBoutelle, Anthony; Gibilisco, Stan
2014Logic in GamesBenthem, Johan van
-Logic trong tranh luậnNguyễn, Trường Giang
2016A New Perspective on Nonmonotonic LogicsGabbay, Dov M.; Schlechta, Karl
2013The Outer Limits of Reason: What Science, Mathematics, and Logic Cannot Tell UsYanofsky, Noson S.
2017Semantics, Metasemantics, AboutnessSimchen, Ori
2017Shattered symmetry: group theory from the eightfold way to the periodic tableCeulemans, Arnout; Thyssen, Pieter
2015Tetralogue : I'm right, you're wrongWilliamson, Timothy