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Showing results 1 to 20 of 48  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20151922: Literature, Culture, PoliticsRabaté, Jean-Michel
2013Advances in Culture and Psychology, Volume 4Hong, Ying-yi; Gelfand, Michele J.; Chiu, Chi-yue
2018Against Art and CultureDee, Liam
2016Anthropology: a global perspectiveScupin, Raymond; DeCorse, Christopher R.
2011Berlin Psychoanalytic: psychoanalysis and culture in Weimar Republic Germany and beyondFuechtner, Veronika
2010China's CultureZhongwen, Shi; Qiaosheng, Chen
2010China's CultureZhongwen, Shi; Qiaosheng, Chen
2016Cultural anthropology: a global perspectiveScupin, Raymond
2010Culture and Social Transformations in Reform Era ChinaYu, Cao Tian
2013The culture of connectivity : a critical history of social mediaDijck, José van
2017The culture of international arbitrationKidane, Won L.
2013The culture secret: how to empower people and companies no matter what you sellVik, David
2014The Devil: A New BiographyAlmond, Philip C.
2015The Final Pagan GenerationWatts, Edward J.
2012Food and Culture: A ReaderCounihan, Carole
2017Global Governance from Regional Perspectives: A Critical ViewTriandafyllidou, Anna
2010Globalization of Language and Culture in Asia: The Impact of Globalization Processes on LanguageVaish, Viniti
2015Handbook of Advances in Culture and PsychologyGelfand, Michele J. Chi-yue Chiu,; Hong, Ying-yi
2010The Handbook of Organizational Culture and ClimateAshkanasy, Neal; Wilderom, Celeste P. M.; Peterson, Mark F.
2010The History of SurfingWarshaw, Matt